WPF Tour in the Netherlands 3 – Bronckhorst/Hengelo
THIRD VISIT: WPF Bronckhorst / Hengelo 1 November 2021
Peace in simplicity
In the middle of the village of Hengelo (Gelderland) in front of the church, the WPF shines!
A flame, a dream. Living together is our wish.
The WPF working group in Hengelo is an active and modest group of women. They are strongly committed and dedicated to care for the flame and the monument and to bring peace to their near environment. They are present at local markets and events, telling about the wpf and selling candles. They support peace walks and pilgrimages. During the covid pandemic they delivered peace cards to health care institutions, also they are in touch with schools and the local authorities.
The working group and the local schools have joint the international virtual peace walk last winter. Together with schools in UK, Australia and world wide.
At the moment of my visit they are very upset because of the trimming of the Peace tree next to the WPF monument, including cutting off the wooden badges with peace wishes of the children. They made an appointment with the elderman to discuss and to solve this issue.
Angels with light!
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This summer I got the idea to visit all WPF monuments in the Netherlands. I have not seen all yet and I would love to meet the people behind the monuments: they care for the flames and they spread the light through all kind of activities. How are they touched by the wpf? What are they motivated by?
Anke van Keulen