Mountain peak in Antarctica is called Peace Peak after the World Peace Flame
A few men climbed mountain peaks in Antarctica and called a peak which was never climbed before, the Peace Peak, after the World Peace Flame. On their way to the top they took the burning WPF with them.
Here is a part of their report:
‘We have had a wonderful, well deserved rest day at Union Glacier. We have now selected where we are going for our second peak and we’ve got our kit sorted out including ski’s and polks. The second peak is 30km’s from Union Glacier in a mountain range that hasn’t been climbed before and it looks like we might even get naming rights to the peak.
We also happy to report – specially to Liz Davidson in Australia – that we lit our World Peace Flame this evening in a very wonderful and beautiful ceremony. Because of the wind outside, the ceremony took place inside and we put the candles on a crampon. One of the candles was lit by the guys here from ANI (Adventure Network International) and they will be posting pictures on their Facebook page. We also invited a guy from India to represent the Eastern Asia block and Ken represented South Africa for us and we all lit candles together. There are 31 countries represented down here right now, all getting along together. It’s got nothing to do with flags or race. It’s about being humbled by man’s incredible achievements against the odds in this wonderful part of the world. It was a beautiful ceremony and we are very happy that so many people could take part. Alot of people came across to us afterwards and said how moving it was for them.’