"Our dream is as
simple as it is ambitious,
one flame uniting
people worldwide."
A Vision of a Peaceful Future
On 31st July 1999 for the first time in history seven live flames, lit by eminent peacemakers on five continents, were flown by military and commercial aircraft to the UK, where they were united into one flame: The World Peace Flame.
World Peace Flame monuments are now established across the globe, and their number is steadily increasing. Communities work together to design and build the monuments, which then become catalysts for collaboration involving all areas of society from local to national level.
Our dream...
Imagine if every man, woman and child in every nation and country, from every religion and creed, were united in peace.
The World Peace Flame is a symbol of peace, unity, freedom and celebration. We believe in the essential freedom of the human spirit to create peace at any time under any circumstances—a view endorsed by the millions of people who have lit The World Peace Flame as a symbol of this dream.

The Ambassadors’ Statement for Peace
Ambassadors and Foreign Ministers from every country endorsed a joint Statement for Peace, committing to uphold humanity’s future generations. It was the first time in history that every country in the world has come together to make a statement for peace.

Message from Kofi Anann
former Secretary-General of the United Nations
"We can build a better world for succeeding generations, if we only summon the will.
You are all, in your own way, nurturing the culture of peace for the sake of our children and grandchildren."
A mission worth striving for
The World Peace Flame is dedicated to achieving peace through education and practical support of grassroots peace initiatives.
We do this by:
- installing WPF monuments worldwide
- presenting flames to international decisionmakers
- introducing peace education into schools worldwide through our WPF educational package
- inspiring millions of people to take a few moments each day to align with the peace within
- producing books, DVDs and CDs that teach peace through personal development
- humanitarian projects.